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Hair and Identity: Why Learning to Love Your Mane is a Revolutionary Act

In a world where beauty standards are dictated by ephemeral trends and the diktats of the cosmetics industry, learning to love your natural hair is much more than a simple aesthetic decision. It's an act of resistance, self-affirmation and a profound reconnection with our identity. Our hair carries with it a history, a culture and a heritage that are often overlooked or downplayed. Now is the time to celebrate it.

Hair and Identity: Why Learning to Love Your Mane is a Revolutionary Act Read More »

Hair heritage & Female influence: those who changed history

Throughout the ages, women have used their hair as a powerful symbol of expression, resistance and pride. Whether they are visionary entrepreneurs, committed activists or guardians of ancestral traditions, they have left their mark on hair history by breaking imposed norms. From Madame C.J. Walker, the first self-made millionaire, to Angela Davis, whose Afro became an emblem of freedom, to Miriam Makeba and the African queens, these inspirational figures have redefined beauty and hair identity. Their legacies continue to inspire us today: and which woman inspires you most in this hair revolution?

Hair heritage & Female influence: those who changed history Read More »

10 Hair Myths That Stop You From Loving Your Hair The Way It Deserves To Be Loved

Throughout time, myths have circulated, fuelling fears and misunderstandings that prevent us from loving our hair as it deserves. It's time to deconstruct them and give our hair back the place it deserves: that of a treasure to be cherished, understood and honoured.

10 Hair Myths That Stop You From Loving Your Hair The Way It Deserves To Be Loved Read More »

Taking Care of Your Hair, Taking Care of Yourself: a therapeutic beauty routine

Our hair is much more than just a hair fibre. It's an extension of ourselves, an expression of our identity, a delicate envelope that carries our history, our emotions and our energy. Taking care of your hair should never be a constraint, but a gentle, caring ritual, a moment of connection with yourself.

Taking Care of Your Hair, Taking Care of Yourself: a therapeutic beauty routine Read More »

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